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festival has started - 2003年09月08日(月) so the festival of Toros has started. this week will be with toros per day! 3時にYvonneと待ち合わせてお祭りを見に行く。 スペイン版なまはげをみてびびる。大きい張子の人間(牛もいたけど)が徘徊。 子供たちは大喜びで逃げ回っていた。つかまると手に持っている紙の棒でたたかれるらしい。 広場には沢山の大道芸人が。2人でふらふらと見て回る。 その後、偶然PaulieneとSeverineに会ったので一緒にお祭りを楽しむ。 これがあと一週間か。楽しそうだ。 ... Segovia and Avila - 2003年09月06日(土) i went to segovia and Avila today. they have a festival in Avila, and a lot of people wear mediaval clothes. it was really cute. we went to see a lot of edificios, y iglesias both in Avila and Segovia. it was really sweet, but the group is too big to walk around. ... after the class - 2003年09月05日(金) i went to spend a night with Anja, and other people. since it is her last night here. we ate Tapas, and then go out to dancing. there, we met elina and pauline. they have salsa lesson there, and i did some too. i am really sad to say good bye to Anja and Elina. see you guys soon! ... test - 2003年09月04日(木) think our cultural classes have some problems. fon dos chicos..... day of the tests. it is kinda hard to do the composisiton thing, its hard to "write".... even if you can speak. ... todos sobre mi madre - 2003年09月03日(水) well,i was supporsed to see that. but i just see the half of it, then went to language exchange with my friend. actually he cannot make it, and his girlfriend comes we have really good time, and she was soooooo cute! ... fiesta pequèña por la noche - 2003年09月01日(月) after the class, i first went to buy some clothes. its really cheap here in spain, and its better than Japanese ones, for me. you dont really warry about that the sleeves gonna too short for you or something like that!haha. after that, i did my work home and went out with my classmates. we went to the tapas bar near Plaza mayor, and chat a lot in Spanish!!! ... Rio Duero - 2003年08月31日(日) I went to Portugal. its good to be in EU, since u dont need to bring passport around u. i went to Rio Duero, the river running between spain and portugal. i saw a lot of good scenaries, and later went to the small city in portugal. the guid was really interesting , and he explained a lot of thing to me and my friends. it is good to surrounded by spanish, in order to get a sence o speaking spanish. ... Cuellar y Coca - 2003年08月30日(土) today, i went to the excursion to Cuellar y Coca. Cuellar is a small city near Segovia, and there is going to be la fiesta de Torro tomorrow. we went to the castle, walk the city around. i think it would be nice that i can visit here tomorrow... since torro seems to be really interesting. i like castle of Coca, because it has alot of parts to see. its kinda hard to adjust Spanish time, since Horarios are totally differet for me. sometimes i just feeling like im wasting my time, especially when i travel around. ... el notìcia del hoy - 2003年08月29日(金) i got to do some work for noticia del hoy. i have to read a newspaper, and talk about one article. i chose Da vinci's "virgin and spindle" stolen. I ask Nocho for giving me otras ejercicios, to keep me busy doing working. i met Jose Luis gain, and we talket a lot about culturas y viajes. ... testo - 2003年08月28日(木) well, as Mària Josè, my teacher from the culture class said, the test was not that dificìl. the test for prinicipal classes is also facìl, pero i think i got to review nùmeros. after the classes, Evonne and I went to sight-seeing the old city. we went to Cathedral Nuevo y viejo, Roman bridge. after that, we went to eat dinner. actually, Gaspacho was really enough for me. Me entanta Gaspacho. ...
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