1限目のカンバセイションは、教科書から与えられた6つのシチュエーションにおける、A、B2人の会話を考えて、パートナーと練習するというもの。シチュエーションについてアナライズするのが先週の宿題だったんだけど、ちょっと宿題の意味がわからなかった私は、先週のうちに同じく「意味わかんない」と言っていた友達2人と相談して、なんとか宿題は終わらせてありました。まぁ、そんなに難しいことじゃないんですけどね。↑押すと文字が変わるエンピツ投票ボタン2限目のグラマー&ライティングでは、先週から出されていたライティングの課題を提出しました。さすがマディちゃん、今日の休憩時間に全部添削&採点して返してくれたわけなんだけど、相変わらず私のグラマーはボロボロで、採点は“A(内容と構成)/C-(文法)”でした。でもなんだか、この“C-”の採点に、私はマディの愛情を感じました。文法が私のウィークポイントだと、1年前からマディに言われ続け、先日送ったメールの中でも、「どうか私の英語に厳しくして」とお願いしてあったから。帰宅して早速、再提出用のDraft#2を書きました。------[Grammar&Writing] Writing Assignment Draft#2A Career I'm Interested in I have been seeking a new profession since I lost my job that I thought it was my life's work. I only know my former profession; therefore, I haven't found any interesting career since I came to the U.S. However, this is beginning to change because I have had new experiences, and I've become interested in teaching people recently. The first of my experiences related to teaching was when I became an assistant in a Japanese class in this college. It was a beginning class, and most of the students in the class had never studied Japanese before. Although only six weeks have passed, the students can already read and write two kinds of Japanese syllabic characters. It is amazing! My son can't even do that, even though he has been studying Japanese writing for three years. Moreover, I saw such pleasure in the students' face. One of the students, a Russian woman, who was not able to understand a lecture by spoken Japanese, and of course, got Fs on her quizzes. However, when I was correcting her quiz last week, I found she had gotten an A on her quiz! I was so pleased to see her success. Since then, she has been enjoying the class more. She has been asking me questions without constraint and saying "Hi" to me in Japanese lately. The second cause of getting interested in teaching is due to helping my daughter with her homework. I help my children with their homework everyday. Last Monday, my daughter brought home some hard math problems. They seemed for the sixth grade even though she is only in the fourth grade. In fact, my daughter's teacher knows that she is strong in math. Yet the problems were too hard for her. She cried, threw the homework on a wall, and shouted bad words. Fortunately, I was able to show her how to solve them. It took me an hour to make her understand, but she finally showed me a big smile and kissed me. Through these experiences, I've noticed that teaching people makes them happy. Furthermore, making people happy is very satisfying. As a result, I have become interested in teaching.読みやすくなったでしょう?下記のDraft#1と比べると、いかに私の文法がサイテーか、一目瞭然ですよね(笑)[Grammar&Writing] Writing Assignment Draft#1A Career I'm Interested in I have been groping my new professional since I lost my job that I thought a life work. I know only my former occupation very well as a professional. Therefore I haven't found interesting career since I came to the U.S. However, it is changing because I have had new experience, so I've been interested in teaching people recently. The first of my experiences related to teaching is that I have been helping a Japanese language class as an assistant in this college. It is the beginning class, and most of students in the class had never learned Japanese language. Although it is only six weeks passed now, they can read and write two kinds of Japanese syllabic writing. It is amazing! My son can't do it, even though he has been learning writing Japanese for three years. Moreover, I saw pleasure. One of the students, a Russian woman, who was not able to understand a lecture with spoken Japanese, and of course, she got grade F on quizes the teacher gives in every class. Yet last week, I found her grade A as I was correcting the quiz! Since then, she might have been enjoying attending the class. She has been asking me questions without constraint and saying "Hi" to me in Japanese lately. The second cause of getting interested in teaching is due to helping my daughter's homework. I help with my children's homework everyday as same as other mothers. On last Monday, my daughter brought hard homework which was math problems, and they seemed for the sixth grade. Even though my daughter is in the fourth grade, her teacher gave them because my daughter is strong at math. Though she is strong, the problems were too hard for her. She cried, threw the homework to a wall, and shouted evil-words. Then I showed her how to solve them. It took me an hour to make her understand, she finally showed me a big smile and kissed me. Through these experiences, I noticed that teaching people makes them happy. Furthermore, making people happy makes me satisfied. As a result, I have been interested in teaching; however, I don't have any ability of teaching.けどねー、毎回、先生の訂正に沿って書き直してるときは、「そうだよ! こっちの文法だよ!」って思うんだけど、ちっとも身に付かない気がするんですよね……。なんかさー、私の場合、アイデアや書きたいことが次から次へと出てきて、それに自分の文法がついていってない気がします。それが今回の“A/C-”の意味かなって。頭にひらめくままにガーッと書くクセをやめて、もっと一文一文落ち着いて書けるようにならないとダメですね。ましてこのクラスはグラマーに重点を置いているので、どんなに内容がいい作文でも、文法がダメだといいグレードはもらえないんじゃないかな。長い長い一時帰国中、どんどん英語が聞き取れなく&話せなくなっていく自分に焦っていたけど、カレッジが始まって1週間もたてば、とくにリスニングはほとんど元に戻ったのね。でもやっぱり文法は、“慣れ”とかじゃないもんね。自分が勉強したぶんしか自分の身に付かない。逆に言えば、たくさん勉強しさえすれば、書くための文法は必ず身に付くんですよね。■本日のHOMEWORKConversation: Do hand out / Prepeare for "Role-Playing" with partner / Prepeare for Quiz(vocabulary dictation)Grammar&Writing: Study for Exam which will be on Oct.7