■ Hu-nn
Last night, I went to Karaoke with a Korean boy, 3 Chinese girls and several Japanese people because I studied a lot this week.(excuse ;-p) Some of the Japanese people were from Kansai.
I didn't like their behavior. They put songs as many as they want so other people couldn't sing, and they chose the minor songs which only they know and can enjoy. I don't like these selfcentered people. I think their way of thinking is " I want to sing. If I don't to do what I want or if I don't enjoy, it's SONN." I think these selfish people have more TOKU.
I hope these people have less friends, but for me they seem to have many good friends. I don't understand.... I try to KI-O-TSUKAU so that other people can enjoy. But it's hard for me to make good friends....
I was thinking about it for a while last night and decided that I cannot change my style even if I want anyway and most importantly I have to go and live as I believe.
What do you think, Tehe-sann Uhu-sann? Have you had such kind of experience?