2002年01月13日(日) Tommie's circumstance


I supposed that Tommie and Tohru came my house at 10:00 a.m.
Becouse I was sleeping when they came.
And then, they and my husband went to golf.
After, I cooked lunch for them and my children.
Tommie had an appointment, they ate lunch that boiled dried daikon and white rice, and left from my house soon.

At 3:00 p.m., Miyuki came to my house to make her dress.
I'm teaching her how to make a dress.
When Miyuki and I drinking coffee, Tommie called me on the phone and said, "Would you please help me !"
She had some circumstance, we and my son Sohei went to her house by my car and take her to the place where Tohru was waiting.
(I didn't know the way to Tommie's house, but Miyuki knew it.)

Miyuki and I were making her dress until 11:00 p.m.

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