2002年01月14日(月) |
Mayu got asthma.... |
In this morning, Mayu vomited up. Maybe she couldn't drink medicine, and she had a bad cough. She was absent from her school. So I couldn't go my English school, too. Mayu's temperature was high, and she got asthma. The inhalation for asthma has a bad taste. Mayu hates it taste, when she used it, she vomited up sometimes. But she must take it. Today, she took 2 kinds of inhalations for asthma as her tears fell down. I was so sad.....
At night, Miyuki called me on the phone, and told me they finished subjects in today's English class.
Today, I started to make Mayu's pyjamas and Tommie's pyjama pants. Becouse Tommie stays in my house sometimes.