2002年01月15日(火) Mayu get better (^^)


Today, I could go school on time.
In this morning, Mayu's feeling was stil not good.
Her temperature fell down, but looks like she didn't want to go school.
But she said, "If I don't go school, mommy can't go school. I will go school."
I thanked her for her consideration.

I went to pick Mayu up from her school, as I was worried about her feeling.
But she was fine.
Her best friend Esther was waiting for her mommy.
They are Korean.
Esther can't speak English, but I tried to tell her in English, "Will you wait for your mom with Mayu ?".
She was silent and nodded.
Soon, Esther's mom Mrs.Lee came to their class room.
We and teacher Miss.Agapito chatted about our children and shopping in English.
Mrs.Lee can speak Japanese very well.
And she is studying English in adult school.
Sometimes, I explain to Mrs.Lee teacher said words in English and Japanese.

Tonight, I cooked curry rice.
Tomo will come to my house to eat it tomorrow afternoon.
At midnight, I was fixing my computer.

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