2002年01月16日(水) Icee came to my house.

The came from Israel.
Hugar can't speak English but her mom can speak English very well.
And then Hugar's mom and I have to speak in English.
I answered her "I'v to go to English school everyday. Next Tuseday will be O.K. How about is your schedule?"
We will talk about our schedule next week.

This afternoon, Tomo came to my house to eat Curry Rice with her hostfamily's dog Icee.
This is the 2nd time, Icee came to my house.
Tomo, my neighborhood Romilda and I chatted.
Romilda's 3 sons and my children played at the front of our house.
And then Romilda and her sons go back their house, and we watched a video movie "Grinch" in my house until evening.

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