2002年01月26日(土) Tomo needed to check the car.

Early morning, Tomo came to my house.
My family and I went Mayu's Japanese school with Tomo.
Because the car shop is near the school, where my husband found a good used car for Tomo.
Tomo needed to check the car.
First, after we droped Mayu off at her school, we went to the Marukai Market, and then I bought so many kinds of Japanese food and others.
In the car shop, we heard a story about a cheated Japanese student from the merchant.
Tomo was so surprised.

Befor I went to my piano lesson, I had preliminaries to make Takoyaki.
I returned to my house, we had the Takoyaki party again.
Tomo, Tommie, Tohru, Chitose, and my husband's co-worker Mr.Rick & Miss.Miho came to my house.
Tomo made Takoyaki for us to reward for looking for used cars and going to the car shop together.
I baked fish in my garden.
Tommie brought a very delicious cake that her host mother made for me.
Everybody's looks so happy !

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