2002年01月27日(日) Do almost all Japanese girls speak so much ?

This morning, my husband and children played at the front of my house with my neighber's children.
Mayu kept practicing her roller blades and I tried to do it too.
(I can put on Mayu's roller blades, because my feet are so small...)
It was a beginning for me, but I think maybe I can do it better than Tommie and Mayu.

At noon, Mr.Rick and Miss.Miho came to my house, and soon they and my husband went to the Costa Mesa Country Club, until the night.
My children told me their complains about daddy went to golf and left them.
Always after he leaves, I have a lot of problems on quieting them.

In the night time, I sewed and finished a couple of pyjamas for my son, and I ironed our many bedclothes.
It was hard work for me.

Today Mr.Rick told my husband about yesterday's party.
He asked "Do almost all Japanese girls speak so much ?".
He can't speak Japanese but he can understand what we said in Japanese.

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