2004年09月06日(月) One Minute Speech


一応勉強するつもりで、午後、友達と一緒にJapanese Cultureの教科書持って昨日のコーヒーショップへ行ったんですがね、常連客でまったりした雰囲気にのまれてしまいました(^^;





[ESL282 Adv. Conversation] one minute speech

Childhood Experience

 I was born and raised in the old downtown Tokyo. When I was 7 years old, I would play with my neighbor boy who was 1 year older than me.
 One day, we decided to go to a wood which was seen on the other side of a river. The river, in our neighborhood, was very wide, so we used to play on its dry riverbed.
 It was almost 2 pm when we left our house by bikes. We thought that going to the wood was not hard for us, but that expectation was wrong.
 After we'd run on this side of the river and crossed a lower bridge, we finally arrived to the wood, and we played there for a short time.
 Although it was almost sunset when we were leaving the wood to go home, we didn't know why, but we decided to cross a upper bridge. Now I think we wanted to try to go around 2 bridges even its around distance was about 6 miles.
 The sky got darker and darker, though we kicked and kicked pedals of our bikes. Cruel cars passed by us with honks.
 Soon, my friend started to cry, "We could never get home! What are we gonna do!?" Actually I also wanted to cry, but I cheered him, "We are gonna be OK. Don't cry! Just kick the pedals!"
 At last, I could get home by dinner. My mom wasn't angry with being late, and welcomed me and said that dinner will be ready soon.
 I was really relieved to see my mom again but I couldn't say anything, because my eyes were misted with tears.

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