連休2日目。LAでは38℃だったそうで、うちのほうもやたら暑い一日でした。昼間はまったりゴロゴロ。のんびりネットしたり、時間をかけて料理したり。んで、夜涼しくなってから机に向かったわけですが、夫はリビングで大音量でガンダムを見ているし、子供たちは私を一人にしてくれない。↑押すと文字が変わるエンピツ投票ボタン老人ばかりのこの街で、深夜にもかかわらず若者でにぎわっていました。店内も外もほぼ満席。外の席はおしゃべりする人、静かにギターを弾く人。店内は勉強する人、読書をする人……。私も店内で勉強組に加わりました。いや〜はかどったよ(^^)やっとパラフレイジングの宿題が終わりました。これっぽちの宿題でこんなに時間がかかってしまって、この先どうなってしまうんだろう、このクラス。てか、私。以下は昨日の続きです(太字は私が書き直したもの)。----------Textbook p.205 Exercise2[Unit4--"Two Kinds of English"]Pronunciation is perhaps the first difference that people notice between American and British English. Some individual sounds are consistently different. For example, poTAYto in American English comes out as poTAHto in British English. WateR in American English is pronounced as wateH in British English. TUna in American English comes out as TYUna in British English. Furthermore, certain whole words are pronounced quite differently. "Schedule" is pronounced with a "k" sound in American English but with a "sh" sound, as "shedule", in British English. The stress in the word "aluminum" in American English is on the second syllable, so it is pronounced aLUminum by Americans. Stress in this same word in British English is on the third syllable, so British English speakers pronounce it aluMInum. These pronunciation differences, though noticeable, do not impede real communication. In addition, neither American English nor British English has a better pronunciation than the other; they are simply different.Between American and British English, the most characteristic difference might be pronunciation. Some particular pronunciation are always different such as potato. In American English, it is sounded poTAYto, but is sounded poTAHto in British English. For another example, WateR in American English comes out as wateH in British English. The other example word that is said as Tuna in American English is said as TYUna in British English. Moreover pronunciation of specific words is rather different. The word schedule that is pronounced with "k" sound in American English is pronounced with "sh" sound such as shedule in British English. The word aluminum has the stress on the second syllable, but in British English, the stress in on the third syllable. So the word is stressed aLUminum and aluMInum. Even though there are many differences between American and British English, transmission isn't prevented by the differences. Besides, these differences are just differences. They are never judged which pronunciation is better, American or British. [Unit7--"Why Adopt a Vegetarian Diet?"]One reason for becoming vegetarian is to prevent cruelty to animals. Animals, like humans, feel pain, and fear. People cannot morally justify the pain and suffering of animals that are killed for food when adequate nutrition can be found in plant foods. Not only do animals experience these physical sensations when they are needlessly slaughtered for human consumption, but they are often treated cruelly prior to slaughter. Veal calves, for example, are forced to live in extremely small cages no longer than their bodies so the cannot move and create unwanted muscle. They are then killed when they are just twelve to sixteen weeks old so that their weak, immature muscles will produce soft meat.Because of discontinuing to kill animals as food, some people become vegetarian. They think that animals have physical sensation such as pain, stress, and fear, like human, so they morally insist on preventing cruelty to animals, although they need fundamental nutrition from plant foods. In addition, animals live in miserable circumstance before they are slaughtered with painful sense. As soon as veal is born, it is put in small cages that are smaller than their bodies not to grow to be muscular for produce soft meat. And then, they which have immature muscles are killed and become food when they are just twelve to sixteen weeks old.