Japanese Cultureが休講の今日から。月曜日のLabor Dayを含めて3連休です。週6日クラスを取っている私にとっては、めったにない連休!\(^-^)/\(^-^)/\(^-^)/↑押すと文字が変わるエンピツ投票ボタンJapanese Cultureの課題はいつやるんだよぅ(-_-;でもね、今日は朝早くから子供たちが夫と一緒にでかけ、私は“自然に目覚めるまで眠る”という、最高のシアワセを満喫しました。うふん♪昼頃起きて、昨晩の残りのカレーを食べ、だらだら。その後、うちのホームステイくんと一緒に買い出しに行って(重い荷物を持ってくれて感謝!)、山のような肉と水、缶詰め、ペーパー類を買ってきました。これでしばらくは、買い出し不要で平和に暮らせるわ(←買い物嫌い)。さて、下記はやりかけの宿題。Praphrasing(文章の主旨を変えずに、自分なりに書き換える)の練習問題です。ちなみに授業ではまだParaphrasingについては触れていないので、教科書で自習してのトライです。難しい……。太字は私が書き換えたもの。もしトライした方がいらしたら、どうぞメールしてちょうだいな(T-T)-------Textbook p.205 Exercise2[Unit1--"Job Skills"]One way in which career counselors try to match people with their ideal jobs is according to the broadly-defined categories of skills that the jobs require.Career counselors are able to apply the broadly-defined categories of accomplishment as one resource for finding satisfactory job for people.[Unit1--"Job Skills"]In fact, today's medical schools are giving almost as much weight to the interpersonal skills of their applicants as they do to their mental skills when evaluating these candidates for acceptance into their training programs.In point of fact, applicants for training programs of medical schools are required experience for human relations more than intellectual experience to be estimated good enough to participate the programs.[Unit2--"Ten Thousand Teas"]The fresh tea leaves that are used for green tea are quickly steamed to halt bacterial and enzyme action common in fermentation.For sake of interruption to fermentation, the fresh tea leaves are supposed to quickly steamed to kill bacteria and enzyme to used the leaves for green tea.[Unit2--"Ten Thousand Teas"]These two processes are repeated until the leaves become almost transparent and start to yellow or redden along the edges, which is a sign of the beginnings of fermentation.The leaves will become thiner, almost transparent, and will show yellow or redden on their edges by doing over these two processes, so they will be noticed that fermentation starts.[Unit4--"Two Kinds of English"]Pronunciation is perhaps the first difference that people notice between American and British English. Some individual sounds are consistently different. For example, poTAYto in American English comes out as poTAHto in British English. WateR in American English is pronounced as wateH in British English. TUna in American English comes out as TYUna in British English. Furthermore, certain whole words are pronounced quite differently. "Schedule" is pronounced with a "k" sound in American English but with a "sh" sound, as "shedule", in British English. The stress in the word "aluminum" in American English is on the second syllable, so it is pronounced aLUminum by Americans. Stress in this same word in British English is on the third syllable, so British English speakers pronounce it aluMInum. These pronunciation differences, though noticeable, do not impede real communication. In addition, neither American English nor British English has a better pronunciation than the other; they are simply different.[Unit7--"Why Adopt a Vegetarian Diet?"]One reason for becoming vegetarian is to prevent cruelty to animals. Animals, like humans, feel pain, and fear. People cannot morally justify the pain and suffering of animals that are killed for food when adequate nutrition can be found in plant foods. Not only do animals experience these physical sensations when they are needlessly slaughtered for human consumption, but they are often treated cruelly prior to slaughter. Veal calves, for example, are forced to live in extremely small cages no longer than their bodies so the cannot move and create unwanted muscle. They are then killed when they are just twelve to sixteen weeks old so that their weak, immature muscles will produce soft meat.