いつもなら、たまった家事と買い出しに追われる日曜日。冷蔵庫の中が閑散としているのも、家中がホコリっぽいのも気づいているけど、もうさすがに体がガタガタ。ひどい頭痛、っていうか肩〜首〜後頭部の激痛が、かれこれ1週間以上も続いているもんね。鎮痛剤をたくさん飲んでも、バンテリン塗っても、磁石やカイロを貼っても治りゃしない。もうあとは眠るしかないのよ〜。↑押すと文字が変わるエンピツ投票ボタンあのねあのね、友達(下宿人)がネットで取り寄せて、チタンのネックレスをプレゼントしてくれたの♪「遅くなったけど、誕生日プレゼントね」って……そんなぁ、毎日肩を揉んでくれるだけでも感謝してるのにぃ。気持ちがとってもありがたいです(*^-^*)えーと、今日は爆睡してましたが、宿題はちゃんとやりましたよー。----[English Through Literature] "My Oedipus Complex"Understanding Plot1: Larry views his father's brief visits home like Santa Claus who came and went mysteriously.2: Larry's attitude toward the war is the most peaceful period of his life.3: Because he wakes up at dawn, so even though he wants to talk with Mother a lot about the day, he couldn't do it.4: Larry wakes up around 6 a.m. his parents are unpleased it. They want Larry to go back to his bed.5: The family might be Christian, because they go to a church and celebrate Christmas. (I don't know any religions well.)6: In line 76, the prayers are sending Father back safe from the war to the family. In fact, Larry wants to get rid of Father to the war, but that prayer was accepted by God.7: Larry only wants Father to leave home for somewhere. Larry doesn't know exactly what the Home is, but it's where he can get rid of Father to.8: Because Father is worrying about no money.9: I think Larry played alone for less than 30 minutes.10: I think while Father was in the field of the war, he woke up early in the every morning and couldn't sleep enough comfortably enough. Maybe Father was accustomed to them.11: I think Father hit Larry lightly because Mother was watching him with her forrified eyes.12: Because his wife gave birth to a baby, and he couldn't do anything with wife's pangs. I think he went to a bur. My father did so.13: Larry wasn't looking forward to having a baby brother. He called the baby, "the confounded baby".14: Larry's jealousy toward Father changed its direction to the baby. Also Father got impatient at and jealous of the baby. I think Larry and his father faced the same opponent."My Oedipus Complex"Exploring Themes1: In the both paragraphs, Larry likened his father to Santa Claus who gives him a gift. But the last paragraph seems to have an attachment more than the first paragraph.2: Although Larry was in the serious and painful battle between he and Father, he changed to be little more thoughtful and generous. He learned to think Father's (people's) feelings from having a uncontrolable baby brother.3: They fought and sweared childishly each other. And they have always tried to get Mother's attention.4: Larry though that only he is a center of his family.5: She tried to be composed and be equal to her son and husband.6: Father became nice to Larry and Mother was busy with the baby. So Larry noticed Father's good points and trouble. Exact turning point was that Father got into Larry's bed without saying one night. By getting the common rival, they became a team.